An improved questionnaire for gathering student perceptions of teaching and learning

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Teaching in Higher Education

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Studies in Higher Education

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Learning Environments Research

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European Higher Education Area: Challenges for a New Decade

Starting with the London Communiqué, ministers recognized the need of a transition towards a student-centred approach of learning and teaching, recognizing the role of students in the educational process. Their stated aim was for governments to ensure that higher education institutions (HEIs) have adequate resources to fulfil a complex range of purposes: preparing students for their future role in society, at work and at a personal level, while ensuring an advanced, knowledge-based educational system and stimulating research and innovation.(London 2007). Also, Paris Communique highlighted the importance of collaboration between states in order to enhance innovation in learning and teaching (Paris 2018). Defining student-centred learning (SCL) goes beyond agreeing on an exhaustive definition. By trying to find an overarching definition, one can only note the main novelties brought in the educational system by the SCL. Besides switching the perspective towards the student, it introduces the concept of students’ choice in their education, passive learning turns into active learning, while describing the shift in the power relationship between the student and the teacher (O’Neill and McMahon 2005).

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Journal of Further and Higher Education