WIA stands for the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, implemented in Georgia in July 2000. This federal legislation has helped Georgia move toward a comprehensive, customer-focused workforce investment system where job seeker and employer customers alike can access a wide range of workforce-related tools and information they need to manage their work lives. Services are provided through a network of local One-Stop Centers statewide. Enacted on July 22, 2014, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) supersedes the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) and is designed to help job seekers access employment, education, training, and support services to succeed in the labor market and to match Employers with the skilled workers they need to compete in the global economy. Georgia Department of Economic Development-Workforce Division
Information on the HOPE (Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally) Scholarship Program, including eligibility requirements, academic requirements, award amounts, and the application process can be found at the Georgia Student Finance Commission web site. Georgia Student Finance Commission
There are several sources of information on the various types of financial assistance available to college and technical college students. The Georgia Career Information System (GCIS) is a subscription-based system, developed and maintained by Georgia State University, which contains all types of occupational, career and educational and training information. It has a comprehensive database of financial aid resources. You can access the system at many local school systems or at any GDOL Career Center. America's Career InfoNet – Scholarship Search
Georgia Student Finance Commission