From ubiquitous software-controlled vehicles, Web 3.0, innovations in gaming, virtual reality, and hyper-scale Cloud adoption, to supply chain frictions, a proliferation of inexpensive tools available to cyber criminals, the emergence of synthetic image generators, and fractures in global internet governance, the landscape of digital security is constantly changing — and by 2030, it will once again be radically transformed. Navigating this complex world will require strategic foresight. Those who begin now to look toward this complex new future will have the advantage.
Cybersecurity Futures 2030 is a foresight-focused scenario planning exercise to inform cybersecurity strategic plans around the globe. Participating institutions will have an opportunity to build their capacity to seize opportunities and mitigate risks just over the horizon.
Led by subject-matter experts at UC Berkeley’s Center for Long-Term Cybersecurity (CLTC), our future-focused scenarios consider how digital security is set to transform over the next five- to seven years. The resulting robust scenarios, workshops, policy and planning recommendations, reports, and convenings will help decision-makers in government, industry, academia, and civil society anticipate and address tomorrow’s cybersecurity challenges. In partnership with the World Economic Forum’s Centre for Cybersecurity, the work engages global stakeholders for 360-degree foresight and generates insights that are broadly applicable across countries and regions. The project will integrate issues of inclusivity, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA) for the kaleidoscopic perspectives long-term solutions require.
View featured publication: Cybersecurity Futures 2030: New Foundations